The following are some essays that I have written over the years about various
Craft-related subjects. They represent my opinion, and not necessarily those of the Craft
at large. You may agree with them or not, but please respect my right to hold them. You
may of course e-mail me if you would like to
discuss or comment on any of these essays.
Teaching Wicca to Minors
A Creation Myth
The Charge of Sekhmet
The Fourth Face of the Goddess
The Degree System in Wicca
What is a Sacred Place?
Mom...I'm a Witch!
An Exercise in Introspection
Coven or Solitary, Which is for You
Alternative Sexuality
So You Want a Spell
Ritual Design
Creating Sacred Writings
The Warrior's Path: Pagans in the
The Need For Wiccan Clergy
Thoughts on Ethics and the Wiccan Rede
Love Spells
Some Thoughts on Teachers and Students
Personal Responsibility
Ancient Religion - Fact or Myth
Who's the Real Witch?
We Need to Come Out of The Closet
So You Want To Join a Coven
The "Job" Of Being a Priestess
Last updated June 25, 2008