On the message boards I frequent, and in our coven e-mail, I see numerous
posts from people who have just heard about Wicca and Witchcraft and who are wanting
to become Witches..and who are then saying they don't know a thing about it. While
the growing interest in this path is a good thing, rushing headlong into something
you don't know much about and which will change your life in may ways is not such
a great idea. So let's stop a moment and consider some of the following issues...
of all, WHY do you want to be a Witch? Is it because it is **kewl** to be spooky
and to wear all that neat jewelry and to shock and amaze your friends and parents?
That's not being a Witch, that's just playing dress up. My generation tripped our
parents by dressing as Hippies, growing our hair long, and wearing love beads. Same
thing, different clothes. Most of us grew out of that phase, and many former Hippies
wear three-piece suits to their successful businesses these days. When people smirk
and say it's just a phase you're going through are they right?
Are you doing
it because it gives you a sense of your own power over others? Certainly there is
power inherent in Witchcraft, and it can make your life better in many, many ways.
But it is power that comes from within yourself and makes you a stronger person..it
is not power over others through the use of fear or magic. If you are looking for
a spiritual path that will help you grow into a better person, then explore this
one more thoroughly. If not, you won't find your answers here.
Are you prepared
to be shunned because you are "different"; or to lose your job, your friends,
maybe even your home because you are a "Satanist"? Witches have nothing
to do with Satan, but that is not what the public believes. Travelling this path
can get very uncomfortable..are you ready for this?
Remember too that being
a Witch is a two-way process. You get out of the Craft mostly as much as you are
willing to put into it. The Goddess grants us many things, but in return she asks
our service as well. If you aren't willing to do the work, then you will likely get
little from the journey.
When we take on new students, one of the first things
we have them do is the following exercise. Try this. Do it as honestly as you possibly
can. It will give you a much better idea of what you want and where you are going.
a piece of paper and divide it into two columns. Label one column "What I want
from the Craft", and the other "What I bring to the Craft". Then start
listing things as they come to mind. Again..be very very honest with yourself.. When
you think you are done, put the paper away for a couple of weeks. Then take it out
and consider what you have written. Add anything new that comes to mind, take off
anything that doesn't seem right now. Then put it away again. Keep doing this until
you are really satisfied that the list is as complete and accurate as you can make
it. Then sit down with your list and think about what you have written, realizing
that you have made a contract between yourself and the Gods. If the path still seems
right..go for it..
Now take the paper and put it away for six months or so.
Take it out then and see how much you have grown. At that point, you may want to
redo the exercise to reflect your new goals and commitments.
One thing
you will learn quickly on this path is that it is a learning and growing process
which never ends. It is always a good idea to reassess where you are and where
you want to go on a regular basis. That way you are unlikely to find that you have
taken a wrong turning on your journey.
May 30, 2000