1. Person first noting an emergency situation will ontact nearest security person or get message to gathering headquarters to have security and/or medical personnel sent to site.

2. Security to contact Health Care Coordinator or the medical volunteer on duty. Medical personnel on duty will carry radio and portable First Aid kit at all times.

3. If security is first on the scene they should obtain and forward information about

a: Nature of Emergency
b. Location
c. Name, age, sex of person if known

4. Relay that information to medical personnel.

5. Medical personnel will assess situation and determine appropriate course of action.

6.If EMS is needed, medical personnel will have Safety Central contact local EMS.

7. Local EMS can be contacted by dialing 911. Be prepared to give pertinent information
1. Situation
2. Location of Camp

8. Security should be prepared to meet EMS unit and escort them to emergency site.

Main Index / Health Care Resources

Last Updated April 3, 1999