Yule Ritual

(Requires four people plus the HP and HPS. Need white, red, black and gold candle for altar, plus white candles for the andelabra. Enough paper for everyone and at least one pencil for every two people.

Prepare the altar and light incense, but no candles. Have on the altar a white, red and black candle to represent the Three-fold Goddess, and a gold candle for the young God. Have white candles in the candelabra. Pine incense. White cloth)

Ground and Center

Cast the Circle


HPS: "Great Mother, chaste Maiden of the silver moon, Queen of the harvest, dark Crone, bringer of death and giver of rebirth, pour forth your peace and widsom on your children. Be with us here tonight."

HP: "King of the Heavens, Shining One, Lord of the Wildwood and Lord of the Dance, Oak King, Holly King, Beloved of the Lady, pour forth your light and blessings on your children. Be with us here tonight."

Once the Circle is cast, have all sit down and hold hands. Turn out all lights. Meditate in silence on the cold darkness of winter.

HPS: "This is the season of turning inward, of enduring. In the old times, our ancestors huddled together for warmth before a similar fire, watching supplies dwindle and the game grow scarce. Watching the very old and the very young die. Watching the sun grow dimmer and each day shorter from one to the next, never knowing whether the light and warmth would return or not. At Mabon, the Harvest King was slain and left us for the Summerland. Left us also the fair Mother, to seek her lover and son. In some traditions, this is a time when the Gods have deserted their people. Yet though the darkness was all around, the people then as now believed that the Lady would return, bringing with her the newborn Sun King and the cycle would begin again."

HPS: "Now we know the dark of the year. Now are cold and emptiness all about. Let us give honor to the Triple Goddess that the season may be made better through the birth of the Divine Child, the newborn Solstice Sun."

Have all open their eyes

HPS.: (Lighting white candle) "White do we light for the Maiden, divine and joyous child. Pale as the driven snow is the taper which is her symbol. We give thee greetings, Blessed One".

(Lighting red candle) "Red do we light for the Mother, warm embracing Queen of Creation. Scarlet as the beauty of a winter sunset is the taper which is her symbol. We give thee greetings Regal one."

HPS: (
Lighting black candle) "Black do we light for the Crone, keeper of the magical mysteries. Ebon as the sky of midnight is the taper which is her symbol. We give thee greetings Wise One."

(Lighting gold candle) "Gold do we light for our newborn Lord, King of the weald and wildwood. Gold as the newly risen sun is the taper which is his symbol. We give thee greetings Child of Light."

HPS: (
lighting candles in the candelabra) "As the light grows about us, so also may the presence of the Old Gods shine where we now stand."

HP and HPS walk to the Eastern Gate:

HPS: "In this season of the White Goddess and the time of the Divine Child, what wisdom says the Watcher of the East?"

EAST: "This is a time for entering wilderness and seeking its magical strengths. A time for standing alone and godlike upon the mountain top and seeing the choice of paths before us. It is a season for Change!

HP and HPS walk to Southern Gate

HP: "In this the Season of the White Goddess and the time of the Divine Child, what wisdom says the Watcher of the South?"

SOUTH: " This is the time of active seeking both in nature and within yourself. A time to leave behind the darkness and let your passions light your path. It is a season of Joy"

HP and HPS walk to Western Gate

HPS: "In this the Season of the White Goddess and the time of the Divine Child, what wisdom says the Watcher of the West?"

WEST: "This is a time for walking deserted beaches and knowing the tides within yourself. It is a time for exploring the depths of your hearts and finding understanding. It is a season of Meditation!

HP and HPS walk to the North

HP: "In this, the Season of the White Goddess and the time of the Divine Child, what wisdom says the Watcher of the North?"

NORTH: " This is a time to know the endurance of the hills, to root yourself in the Earth. A time for scrupulousness and thoroughness, and considering all things. It is a season of Patience!

All rejoin the Circle and seat themselves.

Pass out paper and pencils and have each person write down a
bad habit or trait that they would like the change.

HPS: "This is a time of new beginnings. Of leaving behind us that which is not useful or beneficial to our progress upon the wheel. The fire of the yule log will burn away our burdens and lighten our spirit to face the coming year."

The Circle will stand and walk past the Yule fire, casting
the piece of paper into the fire and allowing the fire to
burn away all negativity and doubt.

When all have done so, have the Circle again be seated

Cup of sharing

Reading of the Solstice poem

Take down the Circle

Exchange of Gifts

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Last Updated November 8, 1998