


Prior to asking to study for initiation at the Second Degree, a candidate must

1) Successfully complete his or her studies for First Degree and receive initiation.

2) Spend at least six months after initiation at First Degree actively participating in the activities of the coven.

After being accepted as a student for Second Degree, the student must:

3) Act as an instructor, under supervision, in the training and teaching of a student for initiation in the First Degree. (In the event that circumstances beyond the student's control render the fulfillment of this requirement impossible, the Initiates' Council may accept as an equivalent work an original and significant contribution to the Tradition's body of teaching lore. However, such substitutions should be rare, and should always be approached as exceptions to the policy outlined in this syllabus.)

4) Identify and begin to develop a relationship with a power animal or spirit guide.

5) Do additional work to enhance his or her relationship with the Goddess and the God.

6) Learn basic first aid and begin to study a healing technique of his or her choice.

7) Identify and begin working in an area of magical specialty in which you would like to do advanced study and development.

8) Learn magical/ritual uses of several additional tools (Cauldron, sword, staff, cords, etc.)

9) Basic understanding of communication skills and group dynamics.

10) Become familiar with basic principles and techniques for counseling.

11) Understand basics of ecology and learn about local environment.

12) Establish regular daily spiritual practice.

13) Understand & demonstrate basic techniques of magical protection.

14) Understand and demonstrate basic techniques of trance/astral/meditational work

15) Write an original guided meditation, and facilitate that meditation in a group setting in the presence of another initiate.

16) Understand and demonstrate basic leadership skills.

17) Lead group ritual for Full or New Moons on a reasonably regular basis.

18) Demonstrate an enhanced facility at ritual design by creating and acting as a principal celebrant in a ritual observance for a major holiday, pagan gathering, or public ritual event.

19) Assemble a complete, but not necessary original, collection of high day and life passage rituals.

20) Demonstrate familiarity with a second form of divination while continuing to develop his or her skills with the form of divination chosen for First Degree..

21) Fire a cone of power or otherwise lead and direct group energy raising for at least one ritual.

22) Devise an alternate method of invoking a ritual Circle, and then demonstrate that method in actual use (preferably as part of a coven or Tradition ritual observance, but at a minimum, in the presence of another initiate and one other member of the Tradition.)

23) Display a deepening understanding of one's chosen pantheon or cultural mythos. If a single patron or patrons were chosen or found otherwise, display an understanding of those patrons and their native cultural milieu. Choose or find a Patron deity if you have not already done so.

24) Demonstrate familiarity with various branches of the modern Craft movement and the larger modern Neo-Pagan movement.

25) Demonstrate some familiarity with the basic tenets and beliefs of at least three major world religions which are not part of the modern neo-Pagan movement.

26) Begin to acquire a working knowledge of the logistics of running a coven.

27) Demonstrate commitment to the pagan community by volunteering for and satisfactorily completing an activity of service to the community, such as organizing, or managing the logistics for, an outdoor gathering, a public ritual event, major holiday celebration, or similar happening. (This requirement specifically excludes acting as principal celebrant for rituals. Some activities which could be considered as fulfilling this requirement might also include service to the individual's coven in the offices of Green Man, Maiden, or Circle Guardian.)

28) Demonstrate a consistently self-sufficient and personally responsible lifestyle.

29) Demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Initiates' Council, by means of the student's manner of living and interactions with others that the student has achieved an increased level of personal growth and development, and a consistent understanding of the ethical conduct and behavior expected of a Second-Degree initiate in the Oak, Ash, and Thorn tradition, and that he or she is fully prepared in all respects to be made "...Initiate, Priest(ess), and Witch" of the Oak, Ash, and Thorn Tradition in the Second Degree..

Reading list:

"The Heart of Wicca", Ellen Cannon Reed
"Deepening Witchcraft", Grey Cat
"One River, Many Wells", Robin Fox
"The Path Through the Labyrinth", Marian Green
"The People of the Earth"
"Living Between Two Worlds", Clifton (ed.)
"Real Magic", Bonewits
"Spiritual Mentoring", Judy Harrow
"The Triumph of the Moon". Hutton.


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Last Updated June 25, 2004